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Topics - Bribe Guntails

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / 0.9 Tutorial: Ancyra's Plan B and Lack of Supplies for Sale
« on: November 17, 2018, 12:10:31 PM »
During the new tutorial Ancyra is suffering major shortages due to isolation; critical commodities are not available for purchase, most importantly is supplies. If the player fails to defeat the pirates guarding the jump point and runs out of supplies they become unable to continue as they would neither have the ships nor supplies to make another attempt.

I suggest that the player be informed by the Ancyra commander that they can return to report failing their objective. The player is given some supplies to recuperate and the defense fleet closely follows the player to the jump point to clear out the pirates in a joint battle.

This would serve to actually provide a Plan B as the commander states, introduce the player to +2 fleet battles, and assure the player that it's ok to lose sometimes.

Suggestions / Progress on Tutorials; Demo Viability
« on: October 29, 2018, 10:34:13 PM »
How have the tutorials been changed since 0.8.1?
Minor improvements or significant changes? Could the tutorials in the main menu be introduced in the campaign tutorial?

Additionally could the campaign tutorial, with minor changes, be used as a demo for the game? It provides the core combat gameplay, along with a taste of campaign gameplay.

Bug Reports & Support / Lasher hulls ignore assignments
« on: June 09, 2016, 06:08:33 PM »
Whenever I give an assignment in battle, no Lashers will acknowledge and operate as if the assignment was never issued. Only when you select a Lasher and give it a contextual order (right click) will it acknowledge.



Suggestions / Sector Decay as a Mechanic
« on: March 25, 2016, 09:59:21 PM »
The story of Starsector is that the remnants of civilization (as it is) are slowly crumbling away. Irreplaceable ships lost, technology erased, lives ende, etc. Whether or not such a mechanic is planned for the final version, I would like to chip in anyway.

'Market Conditions' represent what a planet and/or station can do and what effect they could have on their surroundings.
Using Asharu with 'Hydroponics Complex', 'Frontier', a 10^5 population, and 'Desert World' as an example: The 'Hydro Complex' needs Crew, Organics, and Heavy Machinery to stay running. Say that Asharu has been suffering significant and noticable shortages of Machinery throughout the current Cycle, and by the end of that cycle the 'Hydro Complex' suffered an accident of sorts. Now food production is cut by a brutal 50%, less food is being exported to Hegemony Chicomoztoc, Asharu's stability goes down by 1 due to less Export Value, etc.

As markets weaken due to changing conditions you find, in the very long term, that they aren't as sturdy as you've been used to. You now have a doomsday clock that is slowly ticking down and it's up to the Factions and the Player to help or hinder the decline of the Sector.

Bug Reports & Support / Officers Given on Game Start are Temporary
« on: February 27, 2016, 11:49:16 AM »
The Officers given from the new 0.7.2a Character Creation choices are not stored in your fleet and are lost when you assign a different officer/yourself to their ship.

Officers granted from the Easy difficulty choice are not affected by this.

Discussions / Use of Starsector Art & Audio Assets in Twitch Channel
« on: November 18, 2014, 04:56:15 PM »
I wish to know if it is acceptable to use the art and audio assets of Starsector to create overlays, banners, etc. for a Twitch channel and what, if any, conditions must be met for this to be acceptable?

Suggestions / Multiplayer Suggestion, A.K.A 'OH GOD NO'
« on: September 04, 2012, 02:25:08 PM »
Swap the roles of the player and the AI. The AI is a single flagship that gives orders to the players, and the players are the ships that follow out the flagships orders. Multiplayer games would be directed by the AI flagship, playing out a campaign linking battles and breaks together. Players join and leave between battles and get chances to refit their ships, allocate crew and influence the AI's choice on what to do next. The goal of multiplayer is to keep the AI flagship alive, otherwise the fleet (party) gets disbanded.

Suggestions are welcome.

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