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Messages - Serenitis

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 98
General Discussion / Re: What is your Flagship named?
« on: April 17, 2024, 12:50:05 AM »
All my ships have funky weirdo names pulled from a huge list of dumb nonsense:

In my previous game my flag was a max-armour shieldless Retribution called "Ulysses XXXI".

General Discussion / Re: Early game colony?
« on: April 15, 2024, 08:30:14 AM »
A size 3 colony will not trigger most crises - the only thing you'll (usually) have to deal with is Pirates.
Such a small colony also doesn't get considered for AI use by Heg and doesn't allow the formation of Path cells, so you can use as many cores and items as you like so long as the colony stays at size 3.

A small early mining colony for generating income wants to be as bare-bones as you can make it on a high hazard world because you literally cannot afford the upkeep for anything more.
Mining + Level 1 Station is about as built up as you can go without all your money going towards maintenance.
Avoid the temptation to build anything more than that until you have either enough income from other sources to cover it, or have a decent size cash buffer built up.

If you're really short of money, a colony placed anywhere will make money if you just create it then leave it alone. Don't build anything extra.
Hazard doesn't really matter since upkeep costs are so low.
You can pick out a colony site and drop your guys off as soon as you can afford to hire them, and then just leave them to generate passive income as you go off and do other things.

Suggestions / Re: Separate Personal (Combat) skills and Fleet skills
« on: April 13, 2024, 03:13:53 AM »
... the existence of a better thing makes everything else bad.
That's certainly a unique way of making sure you're never happy with anything.

Suggestions / Re: Hull Restoration is way too overpowered
« on: April 13, 2024, 02:53:31 AM »
Stealing disabled enemy ships tends to be an early game thing, if that. And only a few enemy ships are truly worth stealing and the number of them which you would need to steal is rather limited.
I disagree.
Defeated fleets are the primary source of "new" ships for me the entire length of the game.
This has the added bonus of me constantly trying new things that I would not have considered previously, which is excellent for replayability.
There are many ways to play the game.

General Discussion / Re: Are d-mods supposed to vary in severity?
« on: April 12, 2024, 12:19:28 PM »
The only d-mod I care about is Ill Advised, and that can't be randomly generated.
Everything else is either possible to mitigate in some way, or is ignorable.
D-mods just don't matter.

General Discussion / Re: Sell or Scuttle: Practical Application
« on: April 10, 2024, 11:34:52 AM »
Using Paragon as an example:

A pristine Paragon will get you this much

And it will get you this many resources if you scrap it

Which has a value of 55,500 cr, at baseline unmodified prices - so a bit less than a third of the sale price.

But a beat up Paragon will get you

Which is quite a bit less...

The supplies and fuel will likely be the more useful to you in most situations, simply because you can't run your fleet on credits and when you're scrapping a ship you're probably out in the middle of nowhere.
But also because recovered ships will almost always be covered in varying amounts of orange.
It's certainly not impossible to find pristine ships floating around, but it's not super common.

Discussions / Re: How to update mods
« on: April 08, 2024, 01:03:57 AM »
No, that is the correct method.
Delete the mod folder and then install the new version.

If retreat battles are dull and unfair, the solution is to rework them, not handwave the issue away with green points.
The major issue here, is that there is nothing you can do to retreat battles that can make them interesting.
And even if you do make the retreat battle "perfectly fair", it's still eating time that could be used for literally anything else more engaging.

Pressing the green button to run away is just autoresolve for the opposite side of the pursuit.

Pursuit/Retreat fights are unbearably dull from either direction, and I am glad I can press a (completly optional) button to ignore them in any capacity.
Even if turbo-retreating does cost you supplies to recover the CR it loses.

Building in hullmods is a replacement for the old Loadout Design skill that gave all ships more OP, which was so critical to the use of some ships that the player was compelled to always take it in order to not inadvertently being playing some kind of restrictive challenge.
It was effectively a "skill tax". And the AI literally could not use it at all under any circumstances, so the player got a big permanent advantage as soon as they took the skill.
Picking which specific ship to buff using a seperate resource that both the player and AI can make use of is much nicer.

I am also glad that "ironman" play is entirely optional in Starsector.
If it were not I would have never bought it.

Y'know, looking at all that there's a common thread: It's all optional.
You don't have to press the green text to run away.
You don't have to press the green button to make a ship better.
You don't have to restrict your save/load ability if you don't want to.

General Discussion / Re: High Scatter Amplifier, yay or nay?
« on: March 27, 2024, 01:13:17 AM »
Nay. The whole point of beams is the range.
Losing that range to make them deal hard flux isn't worth anything because you have other ships in your fleet that can do that.
And if you're intent on setting your base range to ~600, then you may as well swap over to using more efficient or impactful weapons that don't require time-on-target to work.

High Scatter Amplifier is a tradeoff. But I'm not entirely sure what benefit you get from making that trade.
You're spending extra OP to turn your long-range beams into a mediocre facsimile of bolt/pulse guns.

Suggestions / Re: Add official support for larger sector sizes
« on: March 26, 2024, 12:10:53 AM »
This would be a very welcome addition.

Suggestions / Re: Add more rare loot to (red) Nexuses
« on: March 19, 2024, 12:27:12 PM »
Either that or made as a requirement to win the game or to start/finish a mainline quest.
Or maybe a type of potentially repeatable crisis which could tie into the reason that no-one has managed to create and maintain any kind of permanent (and accessible) outpost outside a small bubble in over two centuries.

"Decent people shouldn't think too much about that."

What transpires beneath the veil of Autoresolve?

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Unknown Skies v1.00rc2 (2023/03/19)
« on: March 13, 2024, 08:10:57 AM »
Unknown Skies is effectively "complete".
It will work with p. much any version of the game from 0.7 0.8 onwards (I think...), and will continue to work into the future unless the underlying generation method of the game itself changes significantly (which I fairly certain won't happen at this stage).

There is very little actual code in the mod, and what there is effectively self-contained.
It doesn't really need to be maintained anymore.
You can drop it into the game, and changing the version number in the mod_info.json file will allow it to work with no issues.

The link in the OP of this thread is the place to get it.

Unknown Skies could probably go back onto the Index as an orange entry.
Might be worth having a dicussion about it at the very least.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Thumper Ed., 0.3.7b)
« on: March 12, 2024, 02:17:43 AM »
Ngl, putting out a hit on someone for "onlyfans drama" is a little bit amusing.

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