Fractal Softworks Forum

Starsector => Mods => Modding => Topic started by: Wispborne on October 26, 2020, 12:53:01 PM

Title: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Wispborne on October 26, 2020, 12:53:01 PM
What are the odds of having a `beforeGameLoad` hook added to `ModPlugin`?

The use case I'm thinking of is detecting save-breaking mod updates and showing an user-friendly message before the save file is deserialized and blows up.

Potential method signature:

Code: java
/* SaveDescriptor could be a representation of descriptor.xml (btw, syntax highlighter doesn't like double-slash comments, it comments out the rest of the code block */
abstract void beforeGameLoad(SaveDescriptor saveDescriptor);
/* or, more simply */
abstract void beforeGameLoad(String lastSavedModVersion);

The code I'm imagining using it for would look something like:

Code: java
void beforeGameLoad(String lastSavedModVersion) {
  /* is left as an exercise to the reader */
  Version oldVer = Version.parse(lastSavedModVersion);
  Version currentVer = Version.parse(Global.getSettings().getModManager().getModSpec("myMod").getVersion());

  if(oldVer.getMajor() < currentVer.getMajor()) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Updating from version " + oldVer.toString() + " of MyMod to version " + currentVer.toString() + " requires a new game. Please downgrade MyMod to " + oldVer.toString() + "  or start a new game to continue.");
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Morrokain on October 26, 2020, 03:58:47 PM
The game already shows a "mod compatibility warning" when you try to load the game (I'm not 100% sure if this is in 0.9.1a, actually), and will also show the saved with/current versions for all the mods involved in the save game's tooltip, so I think this should be covered?

I think based upon this thread ( there is a desire for modder customization of version control. So what I think Wispborne means with the suggestion is that a modder can determine for themself which versions will actively break saves rather than a warning just when the mod version and save version mismatches.

Even though some version mismatches won't actually break saves, the user still gets the warning if the versions are different.

(Personally I'm on the fence about it for the reasons I've stated in the thread.)
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Wispborne on October 26, 2020, 04:07:28 PM
ha, Morrokain beat me to explaining it.

What are the odds of having a `beforeGameLoad` hook added to `ModPlugin`?

The use case I'm thinking of is detecting save-breaking mod updates and showing an user-friendly message before the save file is deserialized and blows up.

The game already shows a "mod compatibility warning" when you try to load the game (I'm not 100% sure if this is in 0.9.1a, actually), and will also show the saved with/current versions for all the mods involved in the save game's tooltip, so I think this should be covered?

It is in 0.9.1a, yeah.

The difference between what's there now and my suggestion is that the present way show any version difference, regardless of whether or not it's save-compatible.
Users often have no idea what is a save-breaking update or not, due to not reading warnings on the mod page, and install multiple save-compatible updates before ending up an incompatible one that require help to diagnose.

That's an ok state of affairs, modding being fairly at-your-own-risk, but having an express way to show a helpful message when we know for sure that the user is about to get a tricky crash, or worse, would be useful.
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Alex on October 26, 2020, 04:14:06 PM
Ah - the way it works in 0.95a is the tooltip will show whether it's a minor or major mismatch, based on what part of the version changed, so e.g. -> = minor warning ("it might not work"), while ->  = major warning ("it probably won't work, expect it not to load").
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Wispborne on October 26, 2020, 05:18:07 PM
Ah - the way it works in 0.95a is the tooltip will show whether it's a minor or major mismatch, based on what part of the version changed, so e.g. -> = minor warning ("it might not work"), while ->  = major warning ("it probably won't work, expect it not to load").

Interesting. So, are you taking an opinionated approach to versioning - or can the mod itself decide what to show in the tooltip?

I ask because a minority of us use Semantic Versioning, where only the major (first) number change reflects incompatibility. The second number is a feature update bump, and the third is for bugfixes. So, in that case, going from 1.1.1 -> 1.2.2 should always be compatible.

If you're saying, "this is the way that mods should version from now on", then that's totally cool. Honestly I'd be happy to see more consistent versioning, even if it's not what I personally favor (edit: which is arguably not a great fit for mods anyway).
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Alex on October 26, 2020, 05:35:16 PM
Yeah - this is largely due to having version dependency checking for mods in the launcher, which, kind of need to choose a specific scheme (any scheme, really, point being that one has to be chosen) for that to work. And if that same scheme works for estimating save compatibility, too...

The second number is a feature update bump, and the third is for bugfixes. So, in that case, going from 1.1.1 -> 1.2.2 should always be compatible.

Right! I suppose the warning in that case is a bit on the cautious side, but that seems acceptable. It's more of a "the version changed" heads up, really.
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Wispborne on October 26, 2020, 05:36:46 PM
Yeah - this is largely due to having version dependency checking for mods in the launcher, which, kind of need to choose a specific scheme (any scheme, really, point being that one has to be chosen) for that to work. And if that same scheme works for estimating save compatibility, too...

Thanks, sounds like a great change! Easy to implement*, consistent, and user-friendly.

* including ignoring it by always bumping the major version

edit: I guess I am still a little disappointed the only way to indicate to an user than a mod update is compatible will be to go from to (assuming they aren't reading patch notes/forum page). Ah well.
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Jaghaimo on October 27, 2020, 03:01:17 AM
Ah - the way it works in 0.95a is the tooltip will show whether it's a minor or major mismatch, based on what part of the version changed, so e.g. -> = minor warning ("it might not work"), while ->  = major warning ("it probably won't work, expect it not to load").
Could we have one or both of these?
Also tooltip in 0.91a is unreadable (only fraction of it fits on a 1080p screen) as soon as you have 20ish mods enabled and some mods are added, some have version changed, etc.
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Alex on October 27, 2020, 05:54:30 AM
The tooltip is now better! It's formatted in a way that can fit a lot more mods on screen, and if it can't fit them all, it'll cut some off, preferring to cut off ones where there isn't a version problem.

Here's a shot of the new tooltip, btw:

  • Could we have a mod_info.json field (optional) to make a major mismatch save unloadable as opposed to just warnings (false by default)?

Hmm, if this is optional, then you'd get different behavior from mod version conflicts that look like they should be the same type of conflict to the player. I mean, could also show this flag for a mod somewhere, too, but I think that'll complicate things beyond what's reasonable. The tooltip is already possibly there anyway!

  • If you will be forcing a versioning scheme - please disregard this. In the discussion linked here (, many people do not feel comfortable with SemVer (or any forced versioning scheme it seems) - could we have a mod_info.json field (optional) to specify backwards-incompatible (if not present default to normal logic, so major/minor mismatch shows warning)?

I won't be *forcing* a versioning scheme; the code will try to parse the version string and make some educated guesses. But if someone wants to flag a version as backwards-incompatible, they can already do so by switching to the new versioning scheme, so I'm not sure that I want to duplicate the same functionality in a different way. I mean, if there are different ways to do the same thing here... it's not the most burdensome thing, but it's still something to consider and support going forward, etc.
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Jaghaimo on October 27, 2020, 07:49:21 AM
Hmm, if this is optional, then you'd get different behavior from mod version conflicts that look like they should be the same type of conflict to the player.
Not for dependency checks, but for self. So if I, as a mod author know my upgrade will break saves, I would like to be able to stop save-game loading altogether (by bumping Major and enabling this optional mod_info field). It should stay optional, as not everyone will bump Major when save-breaking changes are made. In other words, if there is a Red tick for my mod on new tooltip (which looks great btw), I want to be able to make this save unloadable.

Another issue modders often encounter is "can this mod be added midgame"? A way of preventing loading a game if the answer is no would be great as well.
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Alex on October 27, 2020, 07:59:52 AM
I get what you're saying - what I mean is for the player, it's "ah, this mod is incompatible" but then whether the save will actually be allowed to try loading depends not on the mod version (which the player can see) but on some other factor that the player can't see and isn't consistent between mods. I suspect there would be bug reports if this was a feature.

... actually, this is all getting rather off-topic; let me split it off.
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Tartiflette on October 27, 2020, 08:19:56 AM
This is a similar topic as the "Semantic Versioning" ( topic so I'll cross-post my concerns about such system: this would create non-intuitive versioning since save compatibility is completely independent from the size of an update. We can have properly massive overhauls that work fine but hotfixes that break saves. Therefore the versioning wouldn't reflect that at all with situations like,

[version=17.2.1] balance patch
[version=17.3.0] Added 12 ships, 6 weapons, complete campaign rework.
[version=18.0.0] fixed miss-placed mount.

On the other hand, why would the user care about versioning consistency? If the tooltip says "This update has been flagged as save breaking by the author" there shouldn't be any issue of false reports.

IMO, the best compatibility check would be a separate internal number in mod_info.json that gets ticked up when an update break saves (it could even be an arbitrary string really). If the compatibility check from the save is different from the currently loaded mod, then it triggers the error message.

With my example we would get
[version=17.2.1][compatibility=13] balance patch
[version=18.0.0][compatibility=13] Added 12 ships, 6 weapons, complete campaign rework.
[version=18.0.1][compatibility=14] fixed miss-placed mount.

Such system could override the automatic check if you want to keep it as a failsafe option.
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Alex on October 27, 2020, 08:25:55 AM
Well - primarily the system is there for managing mod dependencies and it's based on what version checker was already using...

Edit: what I'm trying to say is that it's not really *required* to version it to provide the most accurate save compatibility message.  Whether it's a "might not load" or "likely to not load" message, there's still room for either outcome.
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Wispborne on October 27, 2020, 11:13:19 AM
Well - primarily the system is there for managing mod dependencies and it's based on what version checker was already using...

Edit: what I'm trying to say is that it's not really *required* to version it to provide the most accurate save compatibility message.  Whether it's a "might not load" or "likely to not load" message, there's still room for either outcome.

Semantic versioning is a way to conflate versioning and compatibility, but makes major version ticks unexciting if it's just a breaking bugfix.
The 0.9.5a system conflates versioning and a vague compatibility, like "lots of stuff changed, maybe your save will work, maybe not", even if the author knows for certain that it won't break saves.

I think that's why Tartiflette is talking about a separate number for it, to give mod authors the option to be express about what is save-breaking.

If I'm a user and I see an update, I'm probably not going to update if I see "this may or may not break your save game", even if it's a very low chance.

Similar to Tartiflette's example, major new content in my mod has been save-compatible. My preference is to make breaking changes without any new features.
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Morrokain on October 27, 2020, 02:39:42 PM
The important thing here is consistency and user expectation though. What I mean by that is what something like what was suggested does is give modders a way to specifically say - through loading/not loading or backwards compatibility messages - "Hey my update won't break saves! Go ahead!" Or "This will 100% break saves - wait until a new game to update!"

Am I correct in that interpretation?

If that is correct, the big problem which I brought up in the other thread is that the actuality of that information isn't guaranteed to be correct. This isn't proven logic determining whether this is true, it is the modders faith in what they know about the update - which in some cases could be wrong! In the cases where it is wrong, it creates extra confusion for the end user and probably extra saltiness to their response. It might seem silly to bring that up since that is the modders own risk, etc, but I don't think we can discount the impact to end user expectations here.

That is why the warning doesn't make guarantees - and why modders probably shouldn't either - at least technically through things like launcher messages. It seems like a good idea when you first think of it, but in reality it will probably lead to less than desirable outcomes. I get that you can already do this to some extent with messages like "Will/Won't Break Saves" above the update link, but to me at least, that is different than what seems like "logic is working to determine compatibility" that is in fact still just the modders opinion of if it will work or not like what a message over the download link clearly implies. Does it seem like splitting hairs to say one is ok and one isn't? Absolutely. But remember we are talking about the end user who doesn't read anything or try and learn how stuff works - they just want it to work so they can play. The launchers seems too "official" to state something that is, in fact, really a judgement call.

Hopefully that makes sense. Its not about what versioning style to use or how to go about official compatibility warnings, but should such warnings be possible when they aren't guaranteed to be correct?

(Tartiflette's separation of versioning and compatibility control is the best way to do this, I'd say, since it removes the additional issue about versioning clarity through always incrementing Major if unsure about save compatibility. But mark my words, it will still open up a can of worms the first time anyone is wrong should it be implemented! ;)  )
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Jaghaimo on October 28, 2020, 03:43:50 AM
The important thing here is consistency and user expectation though.

I would also add user experience and value to business (modder in this case).

User experience (as a user) - being consistent and meeting expectations. My experience is good when I upgrade the mod and my game does not break. The reason for upgrading midgame might be serious bugfix, balance fix, or just non-essential new content that I want to try. At the same time, if I upgrade to save-breaking game I want the game NOT to load, as otherwise I will break first statement. Also, I want a clear and concise instructions explaining what to do to make my game loadable.

Business value (as a modder) - I can prevent my users from loading incompatible versions in their saves, thus saving time debugging stack traces and explaining myself in my forum thread. To do so, I want the save-game preventing message to be clear and concise (so the user can follow it without consulting forums), and "IN YOUR FACE" (so that user can't do anything other than dismiss it and follow the instructions).

If that is correct, the big problem which I brought up in the other thread is that the actuality of that information isn't guaranteed to be correct.

I would have to disagree with you on that. This could be said about any software that does not have a full suite regression tests in place. At this point you are trying to accurately infer backward compatibility based on the changes you did to your software and your understanding of its interaction with other software. Best effort is enough.

Going further, it does not need to be correct, it only needs to be enforced correctly. If I mark my new version 1.5.2 as incompatible upgrade even though it might be compatible with 1.4.0+ that's not a big issue (will only prevent users from upgrading mid-game), and something I as a modder can do.

(Tartiflette's separation of versioning and compatibility control is the best way to do this, I'd say, since it removes the additional issue about versioning clarity through always incrementing Major if unsure about save compatibility. But mark my words, it will still open up a can of worms the first time anyone is wrong should it be implemented!  )

This is a huge can of worms. Let's go back to initial requirements: "consistency", "user expectation" and "user experience".

Modder releases a new version, 2.0.0 (internal 23), that comes after 1.4.5 (internal 23), that comes after 1.4.4 (internal 22). User can no longer upgrade from <=1.4.4. If we prevent user from loading the game, what do we show? Please downgrade? User goes back to 1.4.5 (which he skipped). Same problem. We can say "Downgrade to internal build 22 (it also need to be stored in a savegame, because internal might not be simply current - 1). But internal version is being hidden, which makes user go straight back to forum thread, which tells user "open mod_info and find one with 22", which means "keep downloading previous versions until you find one matching" (as internal is not published). Also this does not solve consistency, as you can't tell from version alone which versions are safe to replace current version.

So the solution is to expose internal where you have a version and a internal suffix (at least when posting, to communicate internal, e.g.: 2.0.0+i23, 1.4.5+i23, 1.4.4+i22), or make it into Major. Two viable schemes come to my mind, SemVer again (,,, Major.Content.Minor.Patch) and Content before Major: Content.Major.Minor.Patch (which still makes sense for version comparison,,,

As an alternative to that, beforeGameLoad hook as per OP would do as well (and API that exposes logic Alex already added to handle dependencies and information displayed in incompatibilities tooltip).
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Morrokain on October 28, 2020, 03:27:07 PM
I would also add user experience and value to business (modder in this case).

User experience (as a user) - being consistent and meeting expectations. My experience is good when I upgrade the mod and my game does not break.

Right, in general I agree, but it wouldn't be the case for everyone because of knowledge requirements for Best Effort. Because of that, the above benefit is illusory to a user in the actual modding scene. Again a "business" has the expectations of quality control that you are speaking to because they have infrastructure dedicated to acquiring talented and knowledgeable staff to interpret and implement the requirements. That is simply not the case here, and so enforcing helps some and hurts some - with it causing the most problems for those just starting out. It certainly brings value to a modder who understands all the requirements, no argument there - it is just that it is disingenuous to assume that all do. That wouldn't be a problem in and of itself, but as those who understand the requirements raise user expectation in this way, those who don't suffer a larger penalty of "user disappointment" that they don't.

If that is correct, the big problem which I brought up in the other thread is that the actuality of that information isn't guaranteed to be correct.

I would have to disagree with you on that. This could be said about any software that does not have a full suite regression tests in place. At this point you are trying to accurately infer backward compatibility based on the changes you did to your software and your understanding of its interaction with other software. Best effort is enough.

Going further, it does not need to be correct, it only needs to be enforced correctly. If I mark my new version 1.5.2 as incompatible upgrade even though it might be compatible with 1.4.0+ that's not a big issue (will only prevent users from upgrading mid-game), and something I as a modder can do.

I really fail to see a difference except the key one: best effort isn't a guarantee. Your example, of course, has no downsides because marking an update incompatible when it is, in fact, compatible leaves the user none the wiser. What about the reverse? You mark it compatible and it is not. Keep in mind, a user won't always know this when trying to load the save. Off the top of my head, they have a ship with a hullmod equipped in storage on some market somewhere and that hullmod was removed in the current (supposedly compatible) update. They won't get a crash until probably interacting with that market, etc. (Not really sure if this is true anymore, but it was at one time.)

I mean, this isn't the worst thing in the world if it happens. My point was that the difference between this happening now and after the suggestion is implemented (to a user) is that it might actually end up being more off-putting because it was clear, concise, and in your face so many times before. That, and because mods that manage the feature well and don't make this mistake cause it to be a rarer occurrence - which again is more likely to effect a new modder than one who understands the game engine and API to the point that they can effectively manage this. I mean, I'm not trying to say it would be awful or ruin the modding scene or anything, but it is certainly something to consider.

(Tartiflette's separation of versioning and compatibility control is the best way to do this, I'd say, since it removes the additional issue about versioning clarity through always incrementing Major if unsure about save compatibility. But mark my words, it will still open up a can of worms the first time anyone is wrong should it be implemented!  )

This is a huge can of worms. Let's go back to initial requirements: "consistency", "user expectation" and "user experience".

Modder releases a new version, 2.0.0 (internal 23), that comes after 1.4.5 (internal 23), that comes after 1.4.4 (internal 22). User can no longer upgrade from <=1.4.4. If we prevent user from loading the game, what do we show? Please downgrade? User goes back to 1.4.5 (which he skipped). Same problem. We can say "Downgrade to internal build 22 (it also need to be stored in a savegame, because internal might not be simply current - 1). But internal version is being hidden, which makes user go straight back to forum thread, which tells user "open mod_info and find one with 22", which means "keep downloading previous versions until you find one matching" (as internal is not published). Also this does not solve consistency, as you can't tell from version alone which versions are safe to replace current version.

 ??? Maybe I'm missing something here? I don't see how having internal exposed in the version, itself, helps make it more clear to the end user what their course of action should be. Like, if you release and one user has and another there is still a lack of clarity what version to revert to unless the version of the save itself is exposed to the user (which it is already, right?). If you are speaking to the idea that the version is stored in the save file and the user can be pointed to it explicitly that way, then why does internal even need to be exposed? It would point to the version the user was last using regardless, and that version is guaranteed to be at the compatible internal level of the save...

I don't think "at a glance" compatibility via the suffix implementation is worth entangling content and compatibility into the same number. That, I believe, was Tartiflette's point. What you at least seem to be thinking of in this case, is when a user asks why their save isn't loading and all they have is their current version number. It would would be useful, in some ways I suppose, to have at-a-glance compatibility then. Even that is a little suspect, come to think of it, because you'd still need to know the version the save is trying to reference - so you're back at square one. But when considering the warning message when trying to load a save? All pertinent information is already available from the perspective of what such a feature is trying to accomplish.

If a user's save is 1.4.4 (internal 22) and the release is 2.0.0 (internal 23), it doesn't matter whether a 1.4.5 (internal 23) exists or not, the message would still point the user back to the save's version (1.4.4 internal 22). Trying to be extra smart and say "Hey there is a 1.4.5 (internal 23) - go try that first!" - wouldn't be possible even if the versions were, respectively: - - The message is still going to be pointing the user to their save's version - even if, via the version control, would technically be compatible.

To do otherwise would require every legacy version of the mod to be stored in a database, and queried to check for "best backward compatibility" each time a mismatch was found. That's extremely unlikely to ever happen.
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Jaghaimo on October 29, 2020, 02:00:10 AM
Right, in general I agree, but it wouldn't be the case for everyone because of knowledge requirements for Best Effort. Because of that, the above benefit is illusory to a user in the actual modding scene. Again a "business" has the expectations of quality control that you are speaking to because they have infrastructure dedicated to acquiring talented and knowledgeable staff to interpret and implement the requirements. That is simply not the case here, and so enforcing helps some and hurts some - with it causing the most problems for those just starting out. It certainly brings value to a modder who understands all the requirements, no argument there - it is just that it is disingenuous to assume that all do. That wouldn't be a problem in and of itself, but as those who understand the requirements raise user expectation in this way, those who don't suffer a larger penalty of "user disappointment" that they don't.

The various systems we are discussing in this thread are optional, and not enabled by default (only warning will show on tooltip using logic Alex already has).
New modders and/or ones that do not want to learn (improve) should simply ignore the (in whatever form we get, if any) forced save incompatibility.
Without this modders that would want to make their lives easier (and can afford the cost of following whatever is decided) cannot, and like the rest, will have to default to costly "forum thread" support.
Yes, one could argue that "users don't read" and "forum support" will still be a thing, but at least the number of posts per release should drop (because some users do read, it's just now they get stack-trace when mod fails to load (or worse, during the gameplay later)).

I really fail to see a difference except the key one: best effort isn't a guarantee. Your example, of course, has no downsides because marking an update incompatible when it is, in fact, compatible leaves the user none the wiser. What about the reverse? You mark it compatible and it is not. Keep in mind, a user won't always know this when trying to load the save. Off the top of my head, they have a ship with a hullmod equipped in storage on some market somewhere and that hullmod was removed in the current (supposedly compatible) update. They won't get a crash until probably interacting with that market, etc. (Not really sure if this is true anymore, but it was at one time.)

We have two problems here:
* False positives (modder claiming mod is save compatible while it is not), and
* False negatives (modder claiming mod is not save compatible, while it is).

We already discussed the second case - regardless of modders reason to mark update as save incompatible (mistake or deliberate decision) user experience will not suffer, and modder benefits will not be affected.
As for former, mistakes happen. Without thorough testing it is impossible, and even then mistakes will happen.
Experience, and having a test plan that covers most use-cases help (in my case I have a save from all my versions, where I have all assets from my mod on "me" and try to load all saves with the new version).
Again, this being optional - modders that cannot accurately assess the compatibility can decide not to opt to whatever system we get.
Either way they will have false positives and negatives, only this time in a form of a forum thread.

??? Maybe I'm missing something here? I don't see how having internal exposed in the version, itself, helps make it more clear to the end user what their course of action should be. Like, if you release and one user has and another there is still a lack of clarity what version to revert to unless the version of the save itself is exposed to the user (which it is already, right?). If you are speaking to the idea that the version is stored in the save file and the user can be pointed to it explicitly that way, then why does internal even need to be exposed? It would point to the version the user was last using regardless, and that version is guaranteed to be at the compatible internal level of the save...

User with that upgraded to should revert to latest 22.x.x.x.
User with does not need to revert, as line 23.x.x.x is save compatible with any previous versions in that line.
In both cases we can present user correct version to downgrade (download latest Z.x.x.x, where Z is already stored in a save-game).

If a user's save is 1.4.4 (internal 22) and the release is 2.0.0 (internal 23), it doesn't matter whether a 1.4.5 (internal 23) exists or not, the message would still point the user back to the save's version (1.4.4 internal 22). Trying to be extra smart and say "Hey there is a 1.4.5 (internal 23) - go try that first!" - wouldn't be possible even if the versions were, respectively: - - The message is still going to be pointing the user to their save's version - even if, via the version control, would technically be compatible.

"the message would still point the user back to the save's version (1.4.4 internal 22)." the message could and only would point to the version the save game uses. There could be (22) but we could not advise the player to try, nor mention hidden internal 22. Only with exposing internal could we show user which line is compatible (use latest with suffix -22).

"Hey there is a 1.4.5 (internal 23) - go try that first!" is wrong, user is on 1.4.4 (internal 22) so he can only use internal 22 (1.4.4).Also, same as above, we can get Major from save and tell user to user downgrade to the latest Major release.

Let's shift a discussion a bit:
I don't think "at a glance" compatibility via the suffix implementation is worth entangling content and compatibility into the same number. That, I believe, was Tartiflette's point. What you at least seem to be thinking of in this case, is when a user asks why their save isn't loading and all they have is their current version number. It would would be useful, in some ways I suppose, to have at-a-glance compatibility then. Even that is a little suspect, come to think of it, because you'd still need to know the version the save is trying to reference - so you're back at square one. But when considering the warning message when trying to load a save? All pertinent information is already available from the perspective of what such a feature is trying to accomplish.

The essence of Tartiflette's internal is: hide Major (from SemVer point of view). So now we have Content.Minor.Patch, with Major (internal).
SemVer applies, but we have no idea what the Major is and what versions are compatible.

The essence of my "expose internal" is to bring back Major to Version, but consider it being elsewhere so that modders desire to be the first number a Content (large updates) be met.
Thus few explorations: Content.Minor.Patch-Major, Content.Major.Minor.Patch, Major.Content.Minor.Patch.Last option makes most sense as we take first part of version (but Content is not the king here), first option is second best (as for compatibility we take first part).

None of this by default would enforce save loading prevention (only when mod opts in), but all of this would (by having Major visible) direct user to correct version to downgrade to.
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Morrokain on October 29, 2020, 03:34:53 PM
Re: False Positives and False Negatives

Yes I understand that and why it is appealing and that it would save someone (including myself) some extra time, potentially. I'm talking about the psychology of user feedback. Making the lives easier of experienced modders inherently widens the gap of what is overall acceptable to the average user. Sad but true.

Let me put it another way. You have 3 restaurants. 2 of the 3 make a mistake 10/100 times and automatically refund your meal, no questions asked, for 7 of those 10 mistakes without a trip back to the restaurant. The 3rd restaurant makes a mistake 35/100 times and you have to return your food with a receipt within 30 minutes of pickup - untouched - for a refund.

Which restaurant are you likely to get food from?

I'm not against meritocracy or anything, but the odds of restaurant 3 going out of business (a.k.a a new modder sees the quality and automation gap between their mod and others and is overwhelmed) are a lot higher with a lot of these kinds of automation in place. The more complex or the higher amount of automation "plugs" required for QOL features, the less likely they will all get picked up and the worse those who do not pick them up look.

Now I want to be clear that the above reason isn't justification enough to not make our lives as modders easier sometimes. It's just... well a very real side-effect. So, I would caution against going overboard with it. I'm also not saying that this particular suggestion is overboard and I know it's opt-in and all that, but I did want to bring up this downside as a part of the discussion.

(I think modders who are used to a professional development setting often want to utilize those principles and have the same QOL support as they would have there... but you have to be careful because this isn't a professional setting and to make it seem like one will kill the desire of the hobbyist to get involved. I can't speak for everyone, but I only got the degree I did because I started modding as a hobby a long time ago. I chose Starsector, not just because I could see the game's potential and boy was I right! - but also for the very reason I bring up - that it had an "ease of access and expectation" when considering other moddable games. In short: it was one of the easiest games I could find to mod at the time. Maybe this makes me foolish as I get that technical considerations like compiling code into a jar, etc, become necessary in the long haul. As much as I understand that, I still try and do my best to keep it accessible when stuff like this comes up.)

"Hey there is a 1.4.5 (internal 23) - go try that first!" is wrong, user is on 1.4.4 (internal 22) so he can only use internal 22 (1.4.4).Also, same as above, we can get Major from save and tell user to user downgrade to the latest Major release.

Whoops - typo! I meant 1.4.5 (internal 22) - so compatible with any internal 22 release but not the 2.0.0 (internal 23) release.

But anyway:

User with that upgraded to should revert to latest 22.x.x.x.
User with does not need to revert, as line 23.x.x.x is save compatible with any previous versions in that line.
In both cases we can present user correct version to downgrade (download latest Z.x.x.x, where Z is already stored in a save-game).

This is what I mean by "too smart" though. You are wanting to use the version in the save to allow for parsing the compatibility component (hence exposing Internal/Major as compatibility) in order to use logic to determine "best backward compatibility" (so as you say - detect the Z from Z.x.x.x or x.x.x.Z or x.Z.x.x, etc)

Alternatively, instead of through code logic on save load, if a user does ask about it, (so the primary purpose of version control to avoid thread support has failed, as it were) - then you at least have a frame of reference (if they know the save version, mind you, as the app version doesn't matter) to say "latest" Z.x.x.x update should be fine to use.

Yeah I can definitely see the appeal.

My point is that, while admirable, it would be far simpler to just forget about Z altogether, and use the launcher's logic to simply display the version from the save - and recommend that - instead of the extra step of trying to find a better/newer version with the same compatibility level - "Z". That way, Z doesn't need to be in the version and won't get confused with content (especially because most games version themselves around content not compatibility).

The benefit to what I will call "finding the best Z" as you are describing, is that it can potentially allow the addition of some new minor content or bugfixes during midgame for the user. The downside? If you are wrong somewhere along the line, especially if you are not made immediately aware of that fact (think of the hullmod example) then the additional complexity is pointless and more confusing. Since you are correct that mistakes will happen even with intensive testing, I'd say simple is best here.

For instance, I'd hate if a user was on bug-free stable version and came back to the game after a while and updated to The message would say "Revert to the latest 23.x.x.x version" and they would see that was the latest in this case. I think it is unwise to assume that would be the best reversion. It could have additional bugs that were fixed in the first version but weren't present in (yes I get that is a mistake of the modder to not patch to but trust me it can happen with large projects - cutting a release takes time and sometimes you just want keep moving on with development), or worse, be one of those updates that slipped through the compatibility cracks and breaks the save further down the line.

That's a headache for everyone when the simpler solution was to just paste the original save's version in the message. Errr, is this making sense? lol It's hard to translate brain to text sometimes and I'm fairly sleepy atm.  :P

Anyway, good discussion and thank you for being courteous!

That's a headache for everyone when the simpler solution was to just paste the original save's version in the message. Errr, is this making sense? lol It's hard to translate brain to text sometimes and I'm fairly sleepy atm.  :P

I reread this and just in case it came across as sarcastic: I'm genuinely trying to think of ways that this kind of feature can backfire.
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Morrokain on October 30, 2020, 01:01:13 AM
*delete please*
Title: Re: Additional mod_info flags / mod version stuff
Post by: Jaghaimo on October 30, 2020, 08:30:16 AM
I get all of what you are saying, and agree with you. Retaining the low entry level is paramount to maintaining healthy modding community. But so is improving the quality (however defined) of those mods. Adding a new quality measure (backwards compatibility and/or backwards compatibility claim accuracy) would not fundamentally shift position of challenging modders. It would force behemoths to adapt though, but once those adapted it would be one more obstacle in gaining a foothold.

For example, new faction mods have to compete with existing behemoths on multiple levels: sprites, balance, lore, fun factor - just to name few. As they evolve, their creators learn and improve, and at one point their mod joins those behemoths. If we started considering other qualities like code quality (forcing modder to improve his general coding skills), processes (improve development, regression testing, or release processes), standards (modder conforms to well established standards), creators would once again adapt, and we would end up with a healthier modiverse.

We already have some of those (see: vanilla-balance guidelines, polygon granularity guide). Adapting a versioning scheme or agreeing on a backward-compatibility declaration (via mod_info.json fields, versions, thread topic which we already do) is another such. And a step to improve general quality.

Enough off topic, back to the problem at hand :)

If we take the most regressive behaviour - take the exact version from save when telling the user to downgrade - we will save ourselves from a lot of pain as we are effectively blocking mid-save upgrades. What about bugfixes though? SemVer tries to address that with Major, Minor, Patch, but we agreed already that SemVer will not work for the majority of modders, so we can't enforce behaviour based on version alone.
Let's forget about versioning schemes for a moment - how would we allow for an exception (because bugfix, patch) in the system that prevents version change mid-save? Is the "beforeGameLoad" the only alternative? Same version but optional suffixes (-patch1, -patch2, -hotfix, etc.)? I feel that whatever we come up with here will suffer from the same problem: false expectations. If I see mod being "save compatible" I will be disappointed exactly the same regardless of where the information came from (mod thread like now, through mod_info claiming to be valid upgrade, SemVer, onBeforeLoad).
In short: it was one of the easiest games I could find to mod at the time.
For me it was a game I could create the most complicated mods at the time. There are not many games where you can create mods in the same language (usually you are given some scripting language or Lua) as the game (or even other languages, like Kotlin), has proper API exposed, and the only ceiling is your imagination (and API to an extent). At the same time, as I was musing to my wife a while back, it is the only game that I know that has so low level entry barrier to modding. There are people that try to create mods (scripts included) that have no idea about Java or haven't seen an IDE in their live. It's beautiful.

That's a headache for everyone when the simpler solution was to just paste the original save's version in the message. Errr, is this making sense? lol It's hard to translate brain to text sometimes and I'm fairly sleepy atm.  :P
Most often the simplest solutions are the best ones in the long run. Prevent any upgrade mid-game, force downgrade to the exact version used before... But what about hotfixes/patches then? As a modder I can always re-release my mod with a hotfix, and keep the old version in modinfo to workaround version mismatch prevention. But I can make a mistake and make it save incompatible - back to square one.

I reread this and just in case it came across as sarcastic: I'm genuinely trying to think of ways that this kind of feature can backfire
None at all, I do appreciate all the edge cases and reservations you raise. Without them, we couldn't try to understand the (larger) problem.